Tuesday, April 30, 2013

We Are Artists, Creating in the Moment

That day the theater was more of a cracked-out dance gymnasium rather than a sanctuary to sit and indulge in a piece of soul-shifting performance art. It was dance competition weekend and that last of the year for my crew of miniature music box ballerinas and hip-hop princesses. I find at these competitions that my hands become laced with not only a sticky mixture of hairspray and glitter but with a strange combination of anxiety and excitement.  This is their world and they live for it. And I, although a prominent and necessary character, as a classically trained ballet dancer, do not fully understand the thrill of it.

And today was the epitome of this new world. So when the coaches and choreographers were graced with an hour break that afternoon we drifted off to a lonely dressing room beneath the madhouse of a stage, to rejuvenate.


“Do something with my hair.” She says exasperated. “Braid it.”
“Okay.” I say, as I sauntered over to do the hair of my co-worker, partner in crime, and woman who had lived in a hair salon for the entirety of her life.

Now, I like braiding hair. Crafting hairstyles is something that makes sense to me. This piece fits here, that one belongs there. There are no big mistakes to doing hair. You can pick and place and try again and envision the path to a great up-do along the way.  But when she said, “You are an artist.”, it really caught me off guard.

“Really, most people only see an end result” she goes on “but you are able to work as you see fit. I can tell by the way you handle each piece of hair.”

And you know what? She was right. I realized at that moment I had no idea where I was going with this hairstyle. I had found myself mesmerized by the task at hand. I was totally lost in it, and it did look fantastic. 

“Perhaps, you missed your calling.” She shakes her head and sighs.

I’ve been thinking about this moment for a significant portion of time now.  What does it mean to be an artist? If art is about what you make of it as your go, then maybe I am an artist.

What else in my life was brewed by improvisation?

My most successful choreography pieces had been crafted in the moment and out of necessity. Put on the music, feel the rhythm and let it become you. I find my body will tell me what I must do to make sense. I rarely know how it will end until, well the end. And sometimes, the endings feel the most genius of all, because....

To Be Continued. 

Read the end at The Duck and The Owl

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